top right: Linda Thompson as Rachel, in Barrie Kosky production of THE GOLEM (Larry Sitsky). The Australian Opera 1993

top right: Linda Thompson as Rachel, in Barrie Kosky production of THE GOLEM (Larry Sitsky). The Australian Opera 1993

Linda Thompson as Clare Claremont, with Lyndon Terracini as Byron in Simon Phllip’s production of Mer de Glace by Richard Meale (Opera Australia)

Linda Thompson as Clare Claremont, with Lyndon Terracini as Byron in Simon Phllip’s production of Mer de Glace by Richard Meale (Opera Australia)

Linda Thompson as Marzelline, Claire Primose as Leonora with Sir Donald McIntyre as Rocco (The Australian Opera 1992. Picthre: Don McMurdo

Linda Thompson as Marzelline, Claire Primose as Leonora with Sir Donald McIntyre as Rocco (The Australian Opera 1992. Picthre: Don McMurdo

Linda Thompson as Helena ,with Paul Whelan as Demetirus in Baz Luhrmann’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (The Australian Opera 1992)

Linda Thompson as Helena ,with Paul Whelan as Demetirus in Baz Luhrmann’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (The Australian Opera 1992)

Linda Thompson as Guadalena, with Jennifer Birmingham & Christine Douglas in LIndy Hume’s Pericole, conducted by Richard Bonynge (Opera Australia)

Linda Thompson as Guadalena, with Jennifer Birmingham & Christine Douglas in LIndy Hume’s Pericole, conducted by Richard Bonynge (Opera Australia)

Soprano soloist, Opera in the Park

Soprano soloist, Opera in the Park